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Single Digit Kyu Opening Workshop Part 2

Target Rank: 9 Kyu to 1 Kyu (10:33)

Sente is important, and maintaining sente gives you a strategic advantage. But why is it so important? Let's talk efficiency.

Single Digit Kyu Opening Workshop Part 1

Target Rank: 9 Kyu to 1 Kyu (15:06)

This series is focused on powering up your opening skills and getting the mindset you need to take on the single digit kyus. The opening sets the stage for the entire game. A strong opening will make your games much easier to win.

Single Digit Kyu Opening Workshop Part 3

Target Rank: 9 Kyu to 1 Kyu (9:59)

A series of videos designed to help single digit kyus get in the mindset of the opening. This episode, we're going to do some problems and work through a mental checklist.

Shoulder Hit Approach to Star Point

Target Rank: 9 Kyu to 1 Kyu (10:16)

This is not a commonly seen standard pattern, but it is great to bust it out in a game because most people don't know it and don't use it. Having deep knowledge of joseki is good so that you aren't floored yourself.

One Space Low Pincer Sequence

Target Rank: 9 Kyu to 5 Kyu (6:37)

This sequence is near and dear to my heart because it is the first long standard sequence I was able to memorize and play out correctly. This one comes up fairly often in games, so try to know it.

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