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Probe Opening

Target Rank: 4 Kyu to 1 Kyu (7:53)

This is a special opening that starts from a probe to try and prevent a good prepatory invasion move. This is a fun opening to try in a tournament.

Introduction to the Sanrensei

Target Rank: 15 Kyu to 10 Kyu (12:34)

The three linked star points is a classic opening. In the age of Alpha Go, it is a bit old hat, however, there is still a ton we can learn from it especially in terms of direction of play.

Shuusaku's Kosumi!

Target Rank: 15 Kyu to 10 Kyu (12:39)

Honinbo Shuusaku was a famous player at the end of the 19th century who used the kosumi in the opening. It's a good move and we're going to learn about it today.

3,3 Point Opening

Target Rank: 24 Kyu to 16 Kyu (9:36)

We cover more of the different ways we can start off in the corner. The 3,3 point has had a resurgence in popularity with Alpha Go vs. Alpha Go showing us it's a viable opening move for Black!

How To Approach for Beginners

Target Rank: 24 Kyu to 16 Kyu (12:00)

Starting off on the 19 x 19 board and you're still a bit lost as to how the game should go? We'll talk about how to approach corners and begin negotiations!

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