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Basic Opening

Target Rank: 15 Kyu to 10 Kyu (14:22)

A solid basis in the opening is the key to a great game of Go. The big board is daunting, so here are some basic tips for finding the big moves with ideas you can try in your own games.

Opening Problems

Target Rank: 9 Kyu to 1 Kyu (26:04)

Sharpen your skill with opening problems. Try to find the biggest move on the board by looking at examples. Remember to focus on the border between frameworks, weak groups, and strong groups.

Opening Problems

Target Rank: 9 Kyu to 1 Kyu (24:59)

Get better at the opening by doing problems. Remember, you are looking to find the border between moyos, defending a weak group, or attacking your opponent's group. Finding the biggest move on the board doesn't have to be a chore.

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